import { aq, op } from "@uwdata/arquero"

bucket_base = ""

FA = FileAttachment
  import {aq as aq, op as op} from "@uwdata/arquero"
bucket_base = ""
FA = ƒ(name)
mutable myLocation = null
mutable geolocateStatus = "default"

getLocation = {
  yield null

  yield navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(
    pos => {
      mutable myLocation = {
        lat: pos.coords.latitude,
        lon: pos.coords.longitude
      mutable geolocateStatus = "granted"
    e => {
      console.log("Geolocation error", e),
      mutable geolocateStatus = "error"
      enableHighAccuracy: false
mutable myLocation = Mutable {}
myLocation = null
mutable geolocateStatus = Mutable {}
geolocateStatus = "default"
getLocation = undefined
OJS Runtime Error

op is not defined

OJS Runtime Error

op is not defined

Is it hot in

right now?

answers = ({
  "Hell no!":   {color: "white",   fill1: "#5287d1", fill2: "#2166ac" },
  "No!":        {color: "white",   fill1: "#a2cdeb", fill2: "#67a9cf" },
  "Nope":       {color: "#333333", fill1: "#f5f8fa", fill2: "#d1e5f0" },
  "Not really": {color: "#333333", fill1: "#f7f7f7", fill2: "#ebebeb" },
  "Yup":        {color: "#333333", fill1: "#fddcca", fill2: "#f7cfb7" },
  "Yeah!":      {color: "white",   fill1: "#de7b49", fill2: "#fc946a" },
  "Hell yeah!": {color: "white",   fill1: "#d1231d", fill2: "#b2182b" }

<div class="answer-icon-and-label">
  <span class="answer-icon" style="background-color: ${answers[statsPlace.isit_answer].fill2};">
answers = Object {Hell no!: Object, No!: Object, Nope: Object, Not really: Object, Yup: Object, Yeah!: Object, Hell yeah!: Object}
OJS Runtime Error

op is not defined

OJS Runtime Error

op is not defined

Here’s how today compares…

datefns = import("")
tmaxWhen = new Date(Date.parse(statsPlace.isit_maximum_dt || null))
tminWhen = new Date(Date.parse(statsPlace.isit_minimum_dt || null))

tmaxWhenFriendly = isFinite(tmaxWhen) ?
  datefns.formatRelative(tmaxWhen, new Date()) : ""
tminWhenFriendly = isFinite(tminWhen) ?
  datefns.formatRelative(tminWhen, new Date()) : ""

percentRating = statsPlace.isit_average.toFixed(1) + "%"
OJS Runtime Error

op is not defined

OJS Runtime Error

op is not defined

OJS Runtime Error

op is not defined

OJS Runtime Error

op is not defined

OJS Runtime Error

op is not defined

md`${statsPlace.isit_minimum} °C  `
OJS Runtime Error

op is not defined

OJS Runtime Error

op is not defined

md`${statsPlace.isit_maximum} °C  `
OJS Runtime Error

op is not defined

OJS Runtime Error

op is not defined

<div class="answer-icon-and-label">
  <span class="answer-icon" style="background-color: ${answers[statsPlace.isit_answer].fill2};"></span>
  <span>${statsPlace.isit_current.toFixed(1)} °C</span>
OJS Runtime Error

op is not defined

md`Average so far<br>hotter than **${percentRating}** of days for this time of year.`
OJS Runtime Error

op is not defined

OJS Runtime Error

op is not defined

This is the distribution of temperatures typical for this time of year, which we’ve defined as a seven day window either side of today. Just like a bell curve, the plot is higher at more common temperatures and lower at rare temperatures.

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op is not defined

… and the rest of the year.

We’ve compared every day this year at

to similar times of year in the past. Red days were hot compared to records; blue days were cold.

heatmapYear = "2025"
OJS Runtime Error

op is not defined

Here’s how the rest of Australia looks today so far.

nowHour = (new Date()).getUTCHours()
nowHour >= 10 && nowHour <= 22 ?
  md`Some places may still be cooling off as the night continues.` :
  md`Some places may still be heating up as the day continues.`
nowHour = 7

Some places may still be heating up as the day continues.

statsAllRaw = FA(bucket_base + "stats/stats_all.json").json()

// statsAllRaw is an object with keys by station id, but we
// need an array with an id field. let's move the ids in
statsAll = {
  const statsArray = []
  Object.keys(statsAllRaw).map(k => statsArray.push({...statsAllRaw[k], id: k}))
  const tidiedStats = aq.from(statsArray)
      lat: d => op.parse_float(d.isit_lat),
      lon: d => op.parse_float(d.isit_lon),
      isit_average: d => op.parse_float(d.isit_average),
      // current? (that's the actual avg temp)
      isit_maximum: d => op.parse_float(d.isit_maximum),
      isit_minimum: d => op.parse_float(d.isit_minimum),
      max_when: d => op.parse_date(d.isit_maximum_dt),
      min_when: d => op.parse_date(d.isit_minimum_dt),
      slug: d =>
              /\s-\s/g, "-"),
            /\s/g, "-"),
          /[()]/g, "")
    // mark as stale if latest obs are > 24 hours old
        d => ((d.max_when - / (1000 * 60)) / (24 * 60) > 1,
        d => ((d.min_when - / (1000 * 60)) / (24 * 60) > 1
statsAllRaw = Object {066214: Object, 067105: Object, 048245: Object, 086338: Object, 087031: Object, 070351: Object, 094029: Object, 040842: Object, 015590: Object, 014015: Object, 023000: Object, 009021: Object, 004032: Object, 091311: Object, 076031: Object, 017043: Object, 039128: Object, 039083: Object, 033119: Object, 065070: Object, …}
OJS Runtime Error (line 13, column 17)

op is not defined

currentStats = statsAll.filter(d => (!d.max_stale) && (!d.min_stale))
staleStats = statsAll.filter(d => d.max_stale || d.min_stale)
OJS Runtime Error

op is not defined

OJS Runtime Error

op is not defined

australia = Object {type: "FeatureCollection", name: "australia", crs: Object, features: Array(1)}
answer_domain = Array(7) ["Hell no!", "No!", "Nope", "Not really", "Yup", "Yeah!", "Hell yeah!"]
OJS Runtime Error

op is not defined

// breaking out the pointer layer for readability
// (and in case we decide to customise it later)
tipTemplate = Plot.pointer({
  x: "lon",
  y: "lat",
  channels: {
    place: {
      label: "",
      value: d => d.isit_label,
    label: {
      label: "",
      value: d => d.isit_comment
    separator: {
      label: "",
      value: d => ""
    isit_maximum: {
      label: "Max:",
      value: d => d.isit_maximum + "°C"
    isit_minimum: {
      label: "Min:",
      value: d => d.isit_minimum + "°C"
  fontSize: 20,
  fontFamily: "Roboto Condensed",
  format: {
    x: null,
    y: null
  lineWidth: 20,
  lineHeight: 1.25,
  pointerSize: 0,
  fillOpacity: 0.8,
  strokeOpacity: 0